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UKGSAT validity explained

UKGSAT reliability explained

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UKGSAT Validity

The UKGSAT's validity was - of course - also extremely important to the test designers, because this demonstrates its utility in terms of its construction and its predictive capability. The UKGSAT began with a series of structured interviews to determine what abilities have practical importance to middle-leaders and managers within the UK workplace in the middle-to-late years of the first decade of the 21st century. This effectively defined the form of the tests within the questionnaire, and further interviews took place to determine the format of the question

UKGSAT Verbal Reasoning Test results scales correlate with the equivalent scale in the AH3 (Alice Heim Group), with R = 0.71. They correlate with their equivalents in Psytech’s GRT-2, with R = 0.68.

UKGMAT Numerical Reasoning Test result scales correlate with the equivalent scale in the AH3 (Alice Heim Group) with R = 0.75. They correlate with their equivalents in Psytech’s GRT-2, with R = 0.69.

A study within a private healthcare group in the UK correlated 48 UKGSAT Test results obtained as part of the selection process against supervisor-rated appraisals using a 1-5 Likert-type scale. The appraised competency ‘Analytical Ability’ correlated with the Numerical UKGSAT score to a hugely impressive R=0.71, and ‘Overall Ability’ correlated with the same test to R=0.54.

Validity vs. Reliability

The best way to illustrate the difference between these - and to show why both are important is to consider an ordinary ruler. It is reliable because when we measure the length of something, provided we do it with care, we shall always get the same answer. That same ruler is valid if (and only if) the answer it gives is also an accurate one, that can be compared to the answers given by other rulers and other types of measurement.

To explore UKGSAT’s reliability, Click Here

A study within a UK manufacturer examined the performance of 37 successful technical apprenticeship applicants at their annual appraisal. One part of the appraisal was judged on their technical capability, as rated by their supervisor

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